About I am an SNSF Research Fellow at the Université de Fribourg and a Research Associate at Stockholm University. Before the move to Fribourg, I was a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Oxford (2019-21) and an IRC Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin (2022-23). I was also recently a Visiting Scholar at Princeton (Spring 2024). I mainly focus on issues in the philosophy of mind and metaphysics. I also have research interests in early analytic philosophy, early modern philosophy, meta-ethics, and the philosophy of religion. |
I received my BA in philosophy from University College London, before completing the B. Phil at the University of Oxford (University College). I wrote my PhD at the University of Cambridge (Queens' College) under the supervision of Professor Tim Crane. Whilst at Cambridge, I also held research positions as a Jacobsen Fellow and a Mind Student. Current Projects My current research focuses primarily on the metaphysics of perception and the mind-body problem. 'm also involved in the project Beyond Reductionism (with Prof. Anandi Hattiangadi). Some recent papers to come out of this project include: Does Negative Epistemic Disjunctivism Solve the Screening Off Problem?, forthcoming in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Download. Contingent Grounding Physicalism, forthcoming in Analytic Philosophy. Download. Grounding Physicalism and the Knowledge Argument, Philosophical Perspectives: A Supplement to Noûs, (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/phpe.12190. Download. Grounding Physicalism and "Moorean" Connections, Inquiry, (2023). DOI: https://doi.org10.1080/0020174X.2023.2253863. Download. Zombies and Essence (with Anandi Hattangadi), to appear in the Proceedings of the 2022 conference 50 Years of Naming and Necessity, Oxford University Press. Academic and Other Writing You can find my academic articles under the 'Academic Writing' tab. You can also find some of my other writing (aimed at a general audience) under the 'Popular Writing' tab. |